C.S.I. Pollen international:
CSI Pollen is a Task force of the honey bee research association COLOSS that aims to better understand pollen diversity that is available to honey bees in Europe. Currently more than 15 countries are represented in the study, which employs ca. 700 beekeepers to act as citizen scientists by collecting corbicular pollen regularly during the foraging season. The study was conducted in 2014 and 2015. We will update you here with the results!
Learn more about national projects and coordinators of C.S.I. Pollen in the Video section! Have a look at some pictures taken by citizen scientists!

Location of C.S.I. Pollen participants in Europe 2014 (preliminary). Colors code number of succesful samplings.
International coordinators: Robert Brodschneider and Sjef van der Steen
If you have any questions or want to participate in this study, contact the national coordinator of your country by email or get in touch here!
National coordinators:
Argentina: Marina Basualdo (marinabasualdo02//a//gmail.com)
Austria: Robert Brodschneider (robert.brodschneider//a//uni-graz.at) Details
Belgium: Dirk de Graaf (Dirk.deGraaf//a//UGent.be); Patrick Goorix (patrick.goorix//a//ugent.be)
Croatia: Janja Filipi (jfilipi//a//veleknin.hr)
Denmark: Asger Søgaard Jørgensen (asj//a//biavl.dk) Danish homepage
England & Wales: Norman Carreck (norman.carreck//a//btinternet.com) English homepage
France: Jean-Francois Odoux (Jean-Francois.Odoux//a//magneraud.inra.fr)
Georgia: Irakli Janashia (i_janashia//a//yahoo.com)
Germany: Annette Schroeder (annette.schroeder//@//uni-hohenheim.de)
Greece: Fani Hatjina (fani.hatjina//a//yahoo.com)
Latvia: Andrejs Briedis (andrejs.briedis//a//inbox.lv)
Ireland: Mary Frances Coffey (Mary.Frances.Coffey//a//ul.ie)
Italy: Simone Tosi (s.tosi//a//unibo.it)
Montenegro: Sladjan Rasic (rasic.sladjan//a//gmail.com)
Morocco: El Hassania Mohssine (h.mohssine//a//gmail.com)
Netherlands: Sjef van der Steen (sjef.vandersteen//a//wur.nl) Dutch Homepage with article (in Dutch)
Norway: Bjørn Dahle (bjorn.dahle//a//norbi.no)
Romania: Nicoleta Ion (ionnicoleta2006//a//yahoo.com)
Serbia: Sladjan Rasic (rasic.sladjan//a//gmail.com)
Scotland: Magnus Peterson (magnus.peterson//a//strath.ac.uk) Scottish Homepage
Slovakia: Robert Chlebo (robert.chlebo//a//uniag.sk)
Slovenia: Blaž Podrižnik & Janko Božič (blazcsiprojekt//a//gmail.com)
South Africa: Hannelie Human (hhuman//a//zoology.up.ac.za)
Spain: Amelia Virginia Gonzalez Porto (avgonzalez//a//externas.jccm.es; avgp2006//a//hotmail.com)
Sweden: Preben Kristiansen (preben.kristiansen//a//biodlarna.se)
Switzerland: Geoffrey Williams, Gina Retschnig & Vincent Dietemann (geoffrey.williams//a//vetsuisse.unibe.ch, gina.retschnig@vetsuisse.unibe.ch, vincent.dietemann//a//agroscope.admin.ch) Swiss Homepage
Tenerife: Dolores González (gonzalezloly//a//hotmail.com)
Turkey: Asli Özkirim (ozkirim//a//hacettepe.edu.tr)